Change the exported video's duration

3 quick ways

This tutorial has been updated the to latest design of Rotato

You probably noticed how every video in Rotato has a set duration that fits with the animation that it comes with.

Well, you can change that.

And the way you do that is simple, depending on if it's a big change or a small change.

Using the Duration Layer on the timeline

Imagine this: You just want an extra few seconds. In that case, go for changing the duration layer under the animations. See the video below.

Using Match Duration to Device Video

Or maybe you want your exported video to match the video that you're showing on the mockup. In that case, use the burger menu and choose Match Duration to Device Video.

Using the Duration field

If want a long video you can change the duration directly by typing the new duration in the duration field right above the timeline.

This is the part where you either say, "Great! I'm done! Thanks, tutorial!" or, you're a little more hesitant, and you mumble something like, "wait. Now there's a long stretch where the mockup device is just still".

If you want longer animations (or shorter!), simply drag the animation units so they fit. You can resize them by dragging on either side. You can move them by dragging on the middle. Zoom in on the timeline if you need more space to drag on.

Watch a video