

Tue Feb 04 2025

What's new

  • Galaxy S25
  • Updates to iPhone 16 Bug fixes and performance improvements.


Tue Feb 04 2025

What's new

  • Galaxy S25
  • Updates to iPhone 16 Bug fixes and performance improvements.


Thu Jan 30 2025

What's new

  • iPhone 16
  • iPhone 16 Plus
  • iPhone 16 Pro
  • iPhone 16 Pro Max

What's improved

  • Bug fixes and performance improvements
  • Optimizations for macOS 15

What's changed

  • The camera control widget in the middle of the lower screen is now more compact. The rotation widget has moved to the Camera section in the sidebar.


Fri Apr 12 2024


Mon Mar 25 2024

What's new

  • You can now render a quick snapshot in the bottom of the sidebar and drag that image to any other app, like Figma, Slack, Keynote, Powerpoint, Notion and, you know, any other app.
  • You can now tell an animation block to not animate and abruptly go from one state to the other. This is great if you want to teleport the camera to another position without seeing the devices move

What's improved

  • You can now join the beta channel. Try new features and help make Rotato better!
  • Figma: Exploded artboards now set the background color of the artboard on the device.
  • Updates are now delivered faster

What's fixed

  • The option to save a document as a template is back in the Save dialog when you hit Save.

Also new:

What's new

  • You can now duplicate a device with ^+⌘+arrow keys. E.g. → to duplicate the device to the right of the device.
  • You can now replace a device by clicking the icon in the Devices sidebar. Thanks for all the feedback about how you missed the Switch Scene button from the old versions.
  • You can now move a selected device with the arrow keys. Hold shift to move half a device. Hold ⇧⌘ to move half the width or height of a device.
  • You can now use math for device positions. Enter "4+4" in e.g. device x position to move it to 8 on the x axis. You can use *, /, - and +.
  • In the device position fields you can now use H, W, and D to move the device by its own height, width and depth. Use h, w, and d to add padding. You can combine this with math, e.g. w * 2.5 and h/2. You can also shortcuts: w2 is w*2, ww is w/2.
  • In the device rotation, you can use h and q to rotate the device 180 and 90 degrees
  • You can now render a quick snapshot in the bottom of the sidebar and drag that image out
  • You can now tell an animation block to not animate and abruptly go from one state to the other. This is great if you want to teleport the camera to another position without seeing the devices move

What's fixed

  • Fixed a bug where selecting device A, then device B, then changing rotation by entering a number in the side bar would change device A's rotation, despite device B being selected
  • Fixed a bug where Undo Move Device would move to the wrong position in some cases.
  • Fixed a bug where Undo Delete Device could crash Rotato when reopening the project
  • Template description text was not readable in light mode (Thanks, Chris)
  • The option to save a document as a template is back in the Save dialog when you hit Save.

What's improved

  • Important under the hood improvements to how we handle the contents on the device screen. For that reason, documents saved in this version will not be compatible with earlier versions.
  • When you change a device's rotation or position using the numeric field in the sidebar, the scene updates on every keystroke, so you no longer have to press Enter
  • Memory and performance improvements for multi-device scenes
  • Undo/redo improved in several areas
  • Recent scenes and templates are now ordered by...recency
  • Figma: Exploded artboards now set the background color of the artboard on the device.


Fri Feb 23 2024

What's new

  • Added Apple Watch Ultra 2 mockup
  • You can now see a real-time preview of your movie while rendering

What's improved

  • The Figma explosion levitation field now adjusts the value more gently

What's fixed

  • Fixed a bug where the Figma plugin would hang in some cases if you had not explictly selected a scene in the plugin first
  • Fixed a bug where Rotato would sometimes ignore when you clicked "Close" or "Reveal" on the confirmation dialog after having rendered a batch of 2 or more snapshots.


Thu Feb 08 2024

What's new

  • Added iPhone 15
  • Added MacBook Pro M3 16-inch
  • Added MacBook Pro M3 15-inch
  • Added MacBook Air M2 13-inch
  • Added MacBook Air M2 15-inch
  • Added a "Simple Universal" scene for a clean, floating image or video
  • That's a lot of devices, so you can now pick among the most recent ones in the grid
  • You can now pick among the most recent templates, too
  • You can now scale individual devices when there is more than one on the scene
  • You can now press Cmd-V to paste an image to the selected device
  • You can now copy an image from Figma, Finder, or any other app and paste it into Rotato
  • You can now copy a video, image or animated gif file from Finder and paste it into Rotato
  • Beta preview: You can now paste a URL to a website to render a screenshot on the current device

What's fixed

  • Fixed a bug where scenes with multiple, rotated devices introduced before 2022 would cause the devices to rotate and overlap each other.
  • Fixed a bug where the background in a scene grid item would not change to dark or light when the macOS system changes to dark or light
  • Added Samsung Frame TV, which was present in earlier versions of Rotato. Welcome back, Frame TV.

What's improved

  • Improved perspective on the MacBook Air M1
  • Dragging a background image's scale, blur, or saturation now changes the value in smaller bits, making it easier to control

Multi-device Beta

  • Improved the 3D arrows (gizmo), bug fixes and performance
  • You can now undo deleting a device
  • The device selector is now smaller
  • Improved stability and performance
  • Fixed a bug where deleting a device with backspace would not remove the gizmo in some cases
  • Fixed a bug where the gizmo would be too big in specific camera configurations


Sat Dec 30 2023

What's new

  • You can now add multiple devices to the scene, like an iPhone, iPad and a Macbook, all in the same scene. See examples and how to do it here:
  • Added iPhone 15 Plus, iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max. iPhone 15 coming soon.

What's improved

  • Improvements, performance, bug fixes in license handling

What's fixed

  • Fixed a bug where Rotato would Rotate or otherwise mess up certain laptop and monitor models. If this still happens for you, go to the Splash screen and right click the scene, then click Update
  • Fixed a bug where the duration of a saved .rotato file was not always saved. Thanks for reporting!
  • Fixed a bug where a newly installed license could crash on Sonoma on the next launch
  • Fixed a bug where iPhone XS and 3 x iPhone XS would not open correctly in some cases
  • Downloading older versions from didn't work for a short period in December. Downloads now work again.


Thu Aug 17 2023

Bug fixes and performance improvements


  • Fixed a bug where Rotato could crash if you right clicked a scene to update it
  • Fixed a bug where pressing Cmd+3 would crash Rotato
  • Fixed a bug where Rotato would apply a subtle environment to .rotato files saved in previous versions where environments were turned off
  • Fixed a bug where Rotato would crash if you dragged in non-relevant files
  • Fixed a bug where Rotato could crash when trying to download a scene with no internet connection
  • Fixed a bug where Rotato could crash on macOS 11 and 12 when opening a scene with no device screen contents
  • Fixed a bug where Rotato could crash if you opened a .rotato document with no animations and tried to adjust the movie length
  • Fixed a bug where Rotato could crash if you tried to add animations to specific App Store image templates


Sat Aug 12 2023
  • 7x quicker download for this and future updates
  • Redesigned animation timeline
  • Redesigned sidebar
  • Improved rendering quality
  • Improved video file size
  • Improved video quality
  • New camera control widget

Stay tuned for more details in our discord or @rotatoapp on Twitter!


Wed Apr 26 2023

What's improved

  • Thousands of lines of code refactored for optimization. You should see Rotato launch faster, download faster, and feel lighter.

What's fixed

  • Fixed a bug where the document window could be super narrow the first time

$pod deintegrate I saw the best minds of my coding generation tethered by dependencies / starving for solutions, dragging themselves through the open-source streets at dawn / looking for an angry fix / angel-headed hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection / to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night / CocoaPods! I sing of thee, whose code and wisdom brought us light / Yet now we part, untethered and released, into the vast cosmic byte.


Mon Apr 17 2023

What's new

  • Template gallery BETA. Take a look at the new template gallery and let us know what you think on or on our Discord on
  • Hovering a scene in the splash window now shows the first screen size so you can prepare your assets
  • You can now import a screenshot from the clipboard, using Edit > Paste Screen Image
  • You can now import a background image from the clipboard, using Edit > Paste Background Image
  • You can now choose 8K as your default still image output size, as well as render movies in 8K (not recommended for regular use, the files are gigantic)
  • You can now adjust line-spacing in the label editor
  • You can now center, right/left-align a label
  • You can now paste an image onto the mockup using Edit > Paste Screen image (you can assign a shortcut in macOS Settings)
  • You can now paste an image onto the scene's background using Edit > Paste Background image (you can assign a shortcut in macOS Settings)
  • Rotato is now compatible with macOS 11 (Big Sur) and newer

What's improved

  • The splash grid of scenes now looks nicer
  • The splash grid of sences loads images in a more robust way
  • The label editor now always has a white background
  • Smaller output files when exporting with audio. We're now using AAC (stereo, 44.1khz, 256kbps) rather than raw PCM audio, which can lead to 50% smaller files and high quality.

What's fixed

  • Fixed a bug where Rotato would become unresponsive when switching or launching with the Preset tab active, but only in some unknown circumstances where the system was under memory pressure. Huge thanks to everyone who helped track this down!
  • Rotato now respects the new AppStore preview guidelines that require an audio track in the video, even if the video doesn't have audio
  • Rotato now respects the new AppStore preview guidelines for sizes
  • Fixed a bug where the images in the splash grid of scenes would show a weird Rotato logo placeholder in some strange cases
  • Fixed a bug where enabling Simple Lighting, then saving, then opening, would not enable Simple Lighting in some cases
  • Fixed an issue where the universal scene's screeen would repeat the bottom pixels at the top in rare cases
  • Fixed an issue where the iPhone 14 Pro would have a tiny sub-1px colored line at the top when using a screen image that has a different color at the top and at the bottom


Wed Oct 26 2022

What's new

  • iPhone 14 Pro Max is now available

What's fixed

  • Rotato no longer reminds you to verify your email
  • Rotato no longer shows you the intro animation if you've already seen it in addition to if you've exported, or if you've installed Rotato on a previous version, or if you've launched Rotato by clicking on a .rotato file. That means if you're reading this, you may have no idea what I'm talking about. And that's the point.


Thu Oct 06 2022


  • iPhone 14 Pro now appears in the main list of scenes
  • Official device colors now appear below the device color selector in the right hand "Style" sidebar


Tue Oct 04 2022

What's new

  • iPhone 14 Pro is here, go play on the dynamic island

What's improved

  • Rotato now remembers shadow intensity across shadow styles
  • The toolbar got a makeover with a logical grouping of the actions
  • Rotato now remembers which sidebar tab you used last
  • Collapsing and expanding the sidebar is now smoothly animated, and it smartly adapts to the available space on the screen
  • Improved overall stability througout the app
  • The bundle and templates are now slightly smaller, you may experience this as "wow, that mockup downloaded fast" or no reaction at all, which is the whole point.
  • The default placeholders are now consistent across all mockups

What's fixed

  • Fixed a bug where email activation wouldn't activate Rotato in some cases


Fri Sep 02 2022

It's the saving-and-opening release! If you don't use templates, you can skip this version. If you do, you'll like it!

What's improved

  • macOS standardized documents saving. Rotato will no longer go and save edits on its own, but wait until you're ready and click save, as is standard on macOS.
  • Templates in the Splash screen now look a lot nicer in dark mode.
  • Templates in the Splash screen now all have a fixed height and it looks so much nicer.


Sun Aug 14 2022
  • Performance improvements and bug fixes

What's new

  • You can now export JPG image sequences in addition to PNG image sequences. Use the dropdown in the Render dialog. This is good news if you're exporting sequences for use on the web.
  • You can now adjust the compression factor when exporting a JPG image sequence

What's changed and improved

  • PNG Sequence is now called Image Sequence
  • Image sequence rendering now counts its frames from 0 instead of 1
  • Image sequence rendering now pads its counter to 4 digits, e.g. 0001
  • Image sequence rendering now defaults to extra high quality
  • Image sequence rendering now outputs web-friendly filenames without spaces and upper-case characters


Sat Aug 06 2022

Bug fixes and other small improvements.

What's fixed

  • Fixed a bug where shadow intensity would not be saved correctly on specific mockups
  • Fixed a bug where the help link in the Export area would not open anything
  • Fixed a few rare crashes in the timeline area


Fri Jul 22 2022

What's new

  • Added support for macOS Ventura (13.0 beta)
  • Tested with the most recent beta version in July 2022. Apple may still change Ventura leading up to the official release in Fall, so if you experience any weirdness while on the macOS beta, let us know and we'll try and get fixes in ASAP.

What's improved

  • Significantly improved rendering quality when rendering an image with transparent background
  • App Store folks, When you render an image without transparent background, Rotato now removes all alpha information from the image so App Store Connect will accept it every time.
  • Reduced PNG filesize for image renders without transparency by 15-20%


Fri Jul 15 2022
  • Fixed a bug where a small set of users upgrading from 131 would not be able to import in some cases
  • Fixed a bug where clicking a keyframe could crash if using an image with certain models, including iPhone 13 Pro Max


Upgrading to macOS 10.15 and newer. If you're on 10.14 and want to continue using Rotato, go to and grab version 131, or simply skip this update.

What's new

  • Rotato now requires macOS 10.15 or newer. This means performance improvements.

What's improved

  • The splash screen now supports dark mode in all views

What's changed

  • Exporting to HEVC, HEVC With Alpha and ProRes now default to .mov containers

What's fixed

  • Fixed a bug where the Rotato tag would appear on multi-device mockups for some users whose licenses expired after their introduction
  • Fixed a bug where scrolling the splash screen would crash for some users on Big Sur
  • Fixed a bug where the splash screen would have an empty scene right in the middle of everything


Fri May 06 2022

Transparent videos and Samsung S9 improvements:

  • Improved workaround for a known macOS 12.3 bug that can cause M1 Pro/Max hardware video acceleration to stall while rendering HEVC with Alpha Transparency
  • Fixed a bug that would shrink the screen contents on the Samsung S9 mockup in some cases.
  • Misc bug fixes and optimizations


Fri Apr 22 2022

Bug fixes and performance!

  • Added workaround for a bug recently discovered in macOS 12.3+ where M1 Max and M1 Pro users would not be able to export movies with transparent background using HEVC With Alpha
  • Improved contrasts in macOS Light Appearance in splash, timeline and inspector input fields
  • Fixed a bug where the two new M1 Macbook Mockups would not load for some users
  • Fixed a bug in "Toss-Up" where Rotato would rotate individual phone mockups, causing them to overlap
  • Fixed bug where clicking a keyframe would reset a previously set artboard explosion levitation
  • Fixed bug where a PNG sequence would not be saved in the right folder for some users


Fri Apr 22 2022

A new maintenance release is here, especially for those on M1 Max and Pro Macs.

  • Added workaround for a bug in macOS 12.3+ where M1 Max and M1 Pro users would not be able to export movies with transparent background using HEVC With Alpha
  • Improved contrasts in macOS Light Appearance
  • Fixed a bug where the two new M1 Macbook Mockups would not load for some users
  • Fixed a bug in "Toss-Up" where Rotato would rotate individual phone mockups, causing them to overlap
  • Fixed bug where clicking a keyframe would reset a previously set artboard explosion levitation
  • Fixed bug where a PNG sequence would not be saved in the right folder for some users


Tue Apr 05 2022

What's fixed

  • Fixed a bug where the Rotato tag would appear for some users with valid licenses, on some of the latest scenes

What's new

  • New scene: Apple Macbook Air M1


Fri Apr 01 2022

What's new

  • Screenshots now automatically resize to fit the display you drag them to. If you drag in a long screenshot, you'll see a "Scrolling" slider in the right hand side bar. This is similar to scrolling on a real device. And you can animate it.

  • New scene: Infinity pool screen

  • New scene: Generic phone with thin bezel

  • New scene: iPhone 13 Mini

  • New scene: iPhone Pro Max without the notch

  • New scene: iPhone Pro no notch and no bezel

  • New scene: Generic tablet

  • New scene: Infinity tablet

  • New scene: iPad Mini 6

  • New scene: Apple Watch Series 7 45mm

  • New scene: Galaxy Note20 Ultra

  • New scene: OnePlus 9 Pro

What's improved

  • Launching Rotato is now up to 4 times faster, under 1 second on modern Macs
  • Improved general performance and stability

What's fixed

  • Fixed a bug where dragged in screen videos could skip frames if very large
  • Fixed a bug where the mockup would be ever so slightly transparent for some users when exporting a snapshot with transparent background
  • Fixed a bug where screen recordings recorded on an iOS device in landscape mode would not be rotated appropriately when dragged into a landscape-capable mockup in Rotato


Tue Jan 25 2022

Bug fixes and performance


Mon Jan 17 2022

Important bug fixes, privacy enhancements, performance updates


Sat Jan 15 2022

Bug fixes, security and performance improvements


Thu Jan 13 2022


What's new

  • New scene: Apple Watch 6 44mm
  • New scene: Macbook Pro 16 2021 with black keyboard
  • New scene: iPhone 13 Pro Max
  • You can now pick an official manufacturer device color for most mockups
  • Rotato wll now add a counter to snapshot file names if the suggested file already exists
  • You can now use a non-exploded background image
  • Background are now synced to the timeline playhead
  • Figma plugin beta. Let us know if you want to test:
  • Useful specifically when your background is transparent, the canvas now has a discrete border around it
  • You can now save, load and share a layer explosion

What's changed

  • Rotato now resizes the canvas so the entire canvas is always visible. This is similar to how Keynote resizes the curren slide in the editor.
  • You can now resize the main app window to a smaller size than before - great for small laptops!
  • When you yank artboard levitations all the way down, Rotato now stops with Swiss precision at the point where all the layers line up
  • Exploded artboards can now be saved, shared and loaded in .rotato files and templates

What's fixed

  • Improvements to iPhone recording and mirroring. Some Big Sur users may experience issues, but upgrading to Monterrey has shown to fix this.
  • Fixed a bug where Rotato would move the scene when using the arrow keys in the file name box when saving a snapshot for some users
  • Fixed a bug where licenses expiring around Dec 14 2021 would not allow use of the 20x faster Styro MR2 Renderer
  • Fixed a bug where dragging a landscape oriented design onto the M1 iPad Pro would not rotate the 3D model


Sun Aug 01 2021

What's new

  • New device: Surface Laptop 4
  • New device: Glass phone
  • New device: iPhone 13 beta, 2021
  • New device: iMac 24, 2021
  • Color Bounce is here. When enabled, light bounces from the background color to the reflection on the mockup device to immerse your mockup in the background color, giving it an even more realistic look. You can adjust its intensity.
  • Multi-shadows. Some scenes now have more than one shadow. Look for the drop down box below the shadows
  • You can now export Web (Lottie) animations with a transparent background.
  • You can now enable reflection environment from the Looks sidebar

What's changed

  • In the Looks sidebar, items are now grouped by "Device" and "Background"

What's fixed

  • Fixed a bug that would prevent labels from appearing on the iPhone 12 Pro device for some users
  • Fixed a bug where Rotato would not show the License Activation dialog from the Splash screen
  • Fixed a bug where landscape videos would not play in some devices while in landscape mode
  • Improved geometry on Macbook Pro 16
  • Fixed a bug that would cause a black mockup screen for some users when using a landscape image or video


Sun Aug 01 2021

What's new

  • New device: Surface Laptop 4
  • New device: Glass phone
  • New device: iPhone 13 beta, 2021
  • New device: iMac 24, 2021
  • Color Bounce is here. When enabled, light bounces from the background color to the reflection on the mockup device to immerse your mockup in the background color, giving it an even more realistic look. You can adjust its intensity.
  • Multi-shadows. Some scenes now have more than one shadow. Look for the drop down box below the shadows
  • You can now export Web (Lottie) animations with a transparent background.
  • You can now enable reflection environment from the Looks sidebar

What's changed

  • In the Looks toolbar, items are now grouped by "Device" and "Background"

What's fixed

  • Fixed a bug that would prevent labels from appearing on the iPhone 12 Pro device for some users
  • Fixed a bug where Rotato would not show the License Activation dialog from the Splash screen
  • Fixed a bug where landscape videos would not play in some devices while in landscape mode
  • Improved geometry on Macbook Pro 16
  • Fixed a bug that would cause a black mockup screen for some users when using a landscape image or video


Tue Jul 06 2021


What's fixed

  • Fixed a bug that would cause a black mockup screen for some users when using a landscape image or video


What's new

  • New scene: iPhone 12
  • New scene: iPhone 12 Toss-Up x 4
  • New scene: iPad Pro 2021 M1
  • New scene: iPad Pro 2021 M1 + Magic Keyboard
  • You can now search the scenes in the splash screen

What's better

  • Saved files are now up to 25x smaller. (Not a typo)
  • New scenes are downloadable, not taking up space on your harddrive until you need them
  • Better clay mode on iPhone 8
  • Loading a scene is now twice as fast, and even faste1r on new scenes

What's fixed

  • Fixed a bug where Rotato would ignore the "Simple lighting" setting when reopening a saved file
  • Fixed a bug where Rotato would sometimes reject to add a a perfectly fine audio file to the timeline
  • Fixed a bug where exporting a transparent video with the iPhone 12 would show a small gap from a specific angle
  • Fixed a bug where Rotato would show a "Deactivate License" menu item even when there was no active license


Fri Jun 04 2021

Quick fix time

  • Fixed a bug where Rotato would ignore the Adobe XD plugin
  • Fixed a bug where device recording wouldn't start for some users

More in 123:

What's new

  • New scene: iPhone 12
  • New scene: iPhone 12 Toss-Up x 4
  • New scene: iPad Pro 2021 M1
  • New scene: iPad Pro 2021 M1 + Magic Keyboard
  • You can now search the scenes in the splash screen

What's better

  • Saved files are now up to 25x smaller. (Not a typo)
  • New scenes are downloadable, not taking up space on your harddrive until you need them
  • Better clay mode on iPhone 8
  • Loading a scene is now twice as fast, and even faste1r on new scenes

What's fixed

  • Fixed a bug where Rotato would ignore the "Simple lighting" setting when reopening a saved file
  • Fixed a bug where Rotato would sometimes reject to add a a perfectly fine audio file to the timeline
  • Fixed a bug where exporting a transparent video with the iPhone 12 would show a small gap from a specific angle
  • Fixed a bug where Rotato would show a "Deactivate License" menu item even when there was no active license


Fri Jun 04 2021

What's fixed

  • Fixed a bug where the iPhone screen recorder feature would not start recording in some cases.

Some Apple Silicon users may still experience issues with iPhone recording. We are in touch with Apple to resolve this.

This is a follow-up release to 123. Here's what's new in 123

What's new

  • New scene: iPhone 12
  • New scene: iPhone 12 Toss-Up x 4
  • New scene: iPad Pro 2021 M1
  • New scene: iPad Pro 2021 M1 + Magic Keyboard
  • You can now search the scenes in the splash screen

What's better

  • Saved files are now up to 25x smaller. (Not a typo)
  • New scenes are downloadable, not taking up space on your harddrive until you need them
  • Better clay mode on iPhone 8
  • Loading a scene is now twice as fast, and even faste1r on new scenes

What's fixed

  • Fixed a bug where Rotato would ignore the "Simple lighting" setting when reopening a saved file
  • Fixed a bug where Rotato would sometimes reject to add a a perfectly fine audio file to the timeline
  • Fixed a bug where exporting a transparent video with the iPhone 12 would show a small gap from a specific angle
  • Fixed a bug where Rotato would show a "Deactivate License" menu item even when there was no active license


Wed Jun 02 2021

What's new

  • New scene: iPhone 12
  • New scene: iPhone 12 Toss-Up x 4
  • New scene: iPad Pro 2021 M1
  • New scene: iPad Pro 2021 M1 + Magic Keyboard
  • You can now search the scenes in the splash screen

What's better

  • Saved files are now up to 25x smaller. (Not a typo)
  • New scenes are downloadable, not taking up space on your harddrive until you need them
  • Better clay mode on iPhone 8
  • Loading a scene is now twice as fast, and even faster on new scenes

What's fixed

  • Fixed a bug where Rotato would ignore the "Simple lighting" setting when reopening a saved file
  • Fixed a bug where Rotato would sometimes reject to add a a perfectly fine audio file to the timeline
  • Fixed a bug where exporting a transparent video with the iPhone 12 would show a small gap from a specific angle
  • Fixed a bug where Rotato would show a "Deactivate License" menu item even when there was no active license


Wed Jun 02 2021

What's new

  • New scene: iPhone 12
  • New scene: iPhone 12 Toss-Up x 4
  • New scene: iPad Pro 2021 M1
  • New scene: iPad Pro 2021 M1 + Magic Keyboard
  • You can now search the scenes in the splash screen

What's better

  • Saved files are now up to 25x smaller. (Not a typo)
  • New scenes are downloadable, not taking up space on your harddrive until you need them
  • Better clay mode on iPhone 8
  • Loading a scene is now twice as fast, and even faster on new scenes

What's fixed

  • Fixed a bug where Rotato would ignore the "Simple lighting" setting when reopening a saved file
  • Fixed a bug where Rotato would sometimes reject to add a a perfectly fine audio file to the timeline
  • Fixed a bug where exporting a transparent video with the iPhone 12 would show a small gap from a specific angle
  • Fixed a bug where Rotato would show a "Deactivate License" menu item even when there was no active license


Mon Apr 12 2021

What's changed

  • New app icons
  • New scene: 2 x generic phones, one upside down. Rotate z 180 degrees to show the other design.

What's fixed

  • Clay mode lighting would be off if you didn't check 'Simple lighting'. So we asked Rotato to just do that for you every time you click the Clay checkbox.
  • The adjustable round corners on the Universal device were slightly jaggy when zoomed in, so we straightened things out. Now they are smooth as math.


Sat Apr 03 2021

What's new

  • You can now select TikTok in the Aspect dropdown in the top right corner of the scene.
  • You can now choose a completely custom movie size in the Aspect dropdown in the top right corner of the scene
  • You can now drag in an animated GIF of your app design and use it as a video on your mockup
  • You can now switch glass reflections on and off
  • You can now change the corner radius on the Universal device
  • You can now turn simple lighting on and off

What's fixed

  • Fixed a bug where there was a checkmark next to the menu items "Enter your license" and "Deactivate License". It didn't do anything for anyone, and honestly, no one knows who let it in, so we kicked it out.
  • Some aspects would not keep their exact pixel size promise in some cases and when using the new rendering engine. We had a serious conversation with the dropdown, and it agress to give you pixel perfection from now on.
  • Some models don't support clay and device color, but Rotao would show the options anyway, confusing all of us. We respectfully asked it to keep those UI settings on the DL


Sat Feb 27 2021

Fixed a bug that would cause a dragged in image to be pixelated and compressed for some users. With this release you can enjoy zooming again!


Tue Feb 16 2021

What's new: 6 new multi-device scenes

  • You now have 6 new scenes that contain a phone and a laptop in various configurations
  • New bundle: The Laptop and Phone Bunde with 12 ready-to-render animations, now available on

What's fixed

  • Fixed a bug where keyframes would not discover that the camera was moved if you used a specific keyboard shortcut
  • Fixed a bug where users with a specific GPU would see a flicker on the XDR and MBP16 displays


Wed Feb 10 2021

Templates improvements, and a small bug fix


Wed Feb 10 2021

What's new: Templates!

  • You can now save any Rotato document as a template. This is great when you're doing many similar movies.
  • Template Library: Rotato keeps the templates you open in its library. You can view the library in the welcome screen (Big Sur), and in the File Menu
  • Template bundles can now be installed in one click (re-download if you already bought a pack)
  • See more here:

What's improved

  • Slightly cooler animation when you resize the welcome window while viewing the scene selector

What's fixed

  • Fixed a bug that would crash Rotato if you opened a file with an audio file, and that audio file has since ben moved, and you then clicked cancel in the dialog that asked where it was


Fri Feb 05 2021

What's changed

  • Rotato now opens a welcome screen on launch that lets you choose recent projects and quickly choose a scene for new projects
  • Advanced settings in the render dialog are now visible by default

What's new

  • You can now choose rendering mode in the render dialog (movie, png seq., lottie)

What's fixed

  • In the web templates bundle, the .rotato project for "Elegant Lightness" was mistankenly switched with "Cinematic Darkness" in a recent update. Re-download from your confirmation email to get the right file.
  • In some cases, Rotato was a little too good at remembering your last rendering settings, even when you asked for different ones in the Share menu


Tue Jan 26 2021

Lots of goodies for keyboard lovers

What's changed

  • Space now starts and stops your current animation
  • To grab the scene, press and hold G while you move your mouse
  • You no longer have to click the canvas area to use the arrow keys to move the camera
  • You can now make a keyframe from anywhere with the K button

What's new

  • Added keyboard navigation to the top menu. This means you can easily see what the keyboard shortcuts are — and also make your own shortcuts in System Preferences > Keyboard
  • You can now also rotate the camera's z angle with the keyboard
  • You can now use the keys 1-9 to go quickly to preset positions

What's fixed

  • Fixed an issue where some users couldn't deactive their license and use it on their new computer
  • Fixed an issue where a few users would see the red tag after activating a license
  • Fixed an issue where Rotato would tell you that a license was disabled when using Rotato under a specific networking condition


Tue Jan 26 2021

115.3 - release notes in description

Lots of goodies for keyboard shortcut fans

What's changed

  • Space now starts and stops your current animation
  • To grab the scene, press and hold G while you move your mouse
  • You no longer have to click the canvas area to use the arrow keys to move the camera
  • You can now make a keyframe from anywhere with the K button

What's new

  • Added keyboard navigation to the top menu. This means you can easily see what the keyboard shortcuts are — and also make your own shortcuts in System Preferences > Keyboard
  • You can now also rotate the camera's z angle with the keyboard
  • You can now use the keys 1-9 to go quickly to preset positions

What's fixed

  • Fixed an issue where some users couldn't deactive their license and use it on their new computer
  • Fixed an issue where a few users would see the red tag after activating a license
  • Fixed an issue where Rotato would tell you that a license was disabled when using Rotato under a specific networking condition


Tue Jan 19 2021
  • Rotato now asks you to move to the Applications folder for better performance.
  • Fixed a bug with artboard explosions on the XDR monitor and the Macbook 16 models
  • Adjusted licensing UI and fixed minor issues
  • Fixed a bug that would crash Rotato after entering a license for a small set of users
  • Fixed a bug where dragged-in videos would stutter when rendering large videos


Fri Jan 01 2021
  • You can now use your own reflection environments. See the tutorial for more.
  • Fixed a problem where Rotato would forget an entered license for some users


Wed Dec 23 2020

What’s improved?

  • Rendering speed increased 10-15 times (on both M1 and Intel)
  • That’s right, you just read that: ten to fifteen times faster rendering
  • Colored backgrounds in renders now match the preview
  • Memory-optimization so you use other apps while rendering
  • You can now render movies of any length, at the new high speed
  • Better motion blur
  • Improved UI flow in the Device Recorder
  • Switching to Clay mode now also removes screen reflections

What’s new?

  • Export videos optimized for Youtube, Vimeo and other social media
  • Export higher quality and smaller files with the HEVC format (H265)
  • Export videos with transparent background
  • Open or reveal rendered movies right from the rendering completed dialog
  • Compatibility: Import 50+ image formats and 93+ audio/video formats
  • Imported images are now embedded in saved Rotato files
  • Big Sur design language: New toolbar. and new app icon
  • You can now search for a scene or device
  • Universal binary: Optimized for M1 and future Apple Silicon machines
  • You can now import from the toolbar, in addition to dragging

What’s changed?

  • To export a PNG sequence or Lottie animation, use the toolbar Export button

What’s fixed?

  • Fixed a bug where selecting two keyframes would duplicate one onto another
  • Fixed a bug in Big Sur where certain letters in a label would not appear on the scene
  • Fixed a bug that would not sometimes release memory when canceling a rendering
  • Fixed a bug where dragging in a landscape image would crash Rotato on Apple M1
  • Fixed a bug where the XDR monitor’s screen would be glitchy for some users using Intel GPUs
  • Fixed a bug where opening a Rotato file would sometimes also open a blank document
  • Fixed a bug where the iPad device would not rotate when dragging in a landscape image


Wed Nov 11 2020

Getting device size information

  • You can now click the small 'i' info icon next to the scene name and see the screen sizes for all devices in the scene
  • The popup also contains a copy button that will copy the screen resolution to your clipboard
  • The popup also contains an image button that will open a screen template image you can use in Sketch, Figma, XD, etc.

Controlling laptop lid opening

  • You can now change laptop lid opening without creating a keyframe
  • Changing laptop lid opening is now a simple slider


  • You can now export movies and images in super wide screen cinema format


  • Fixed a bug that would crash Rotato when Rotato couldn't find the video upon opening a saved file, and clicking Cancel in the prompt to point out its new location
  • Fixed a bug that would crash Rotato if a dragged in screen recording has a duration of 0


Fri Nov 06 2020

update notarization info


Fri Nov 06 2020

update notarization info


Fri Nov 06 2020

add back in appcenter post build


Fri Nov 06 2020

regenerate rotato workspace


Fri Nov 06 2020
  • Fixed a bug that would crash Rotato upon opening an auto-saved document from an earlier version