Add music to your video

Engage and connect with your audience and find the right track

This tutorial has been updated the to latest design of Rotato

Set the mood and connect to your viewers with a soundtrack. Here's how to do that. You can use virtually any audio file format with Rotato, including mp3, aac, wav, and more.

How to do it

  1. In the timeline area, click the burger menu icon at the top right area
  2. Choose Add Audio
  3. Choose your audio file

Rotato will now play your audio file when you hit Play on the timeline and when you render your video.

Adding audio to a Rotato project

Removing audio

To remove the audio,

  1. In the timeline area, click the burger menu icon in the top right area
  2. Choose Remove [name of your audio file]

Rotato will now remove the soundtrack when you hit Play on the timeline and when you render your video.

Removing audio from a Rotato project

Nice to know

Movie length

Rotato will gently fade out the music if your movie is shorter than the music track. ‍

Nice to know

Get free music

Unminus lets you grab any of their music for you to use for free. ‍